The 1st year Readathon was held this year from 26 February to 26 March. Now in its second year, students participated across the year group. The Readathon was organised by the Wellread Steering Committee – a committee set up last year to promote reading within the school community. The Best Reader Award for each form class was based on the total number of pages read by the student. Winners of the award were 1st year students N Kilcooley, A Evans, I Brennan, L English, and M Flynn. These students received book vouchers, kindly sponsored by the Parents Council, and are pictured below with Ms Colgan and Mr Barry (teacher members of the Wellread Steering Committee; M Flynn not pictured).

This year there was also a special chocolate treat for the form class which collectively read the most pages. This prize went to 1D, who read just short of 30,000 pages across the class group.

Well done to all involved in this year’s Readathon!

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