Green Schools is an international environmental education programme that promotes long-term whole school action for the environment. The aim of Green Schools is to increase students’ awareness of environmental issues and to transfer this knowledge into positive environmental action in the school and also in the wider environment.

Scoil Mhuire is a committed participant in the Green Schools programme and currently holds three Green Flags.

In the current school year we are working on our fourth theme of Travel, as well as maintaining and further improving our achievements of the previous themes of litter & waste, Energy and water.

The Green Schools committee is open to all students who are committed and concerned about their environment.


Our Flags

  • Flag 1: Litter and waste
  • Flag 2: Energy
  • Flag 3: Water
  • Flag 4: Working on Travel theme.

Travel is the fourth theme of the Green-Schools programme.

The Travel theme is funded by the Department of Transport and Sport and supported by the National Transport Authority. The ultimate aim of the theme is to increase the number of students walking, cycling, scooting, using public transport or carpooling on the way to school.