For the fifth year running, Scoil Mhuire has secured funding to support the ‘planting’ of Development Education themes across both junior and senior cycle curricula. What this means practically is that World Wise Global Schools Initiative (WWGS) is supporting numerous projects within the school.
Various activities have already taken place this year -TY students taking the Development Education option with Ms R Hunwick are looking at issues of world poverty, gender inequality, fgm, child brides and climate change amongst other issues. They also travelled to Irish Aid headquarters in December to learn about Ireland’s ongoing commitments to funding aid projects in developing countries. While there, they also took part in a workshop designed to build awareness around the 17 sustainable development goals.
Funding is provided annually to update the Development Education Resource Library in the staff room, with materials available for staff to borrow throughout the year. Supporting the use of fair trade and ethically sourced materials in the Home Economics kitchens is a priority. This year, funding has also been secured to promote sustainable living practices – it is envisaged that the usage of reusable water bottles will be promoted across the school community, supported, in part by WWGS funding.
Upcoming events currently being planned for include Fair Trade fortnight in February and International Women’s Day in March.
We wish students and staff lots of luck during the year ahead as we aim to plant more seeds of Development Education within our school community.