The Student Council meet every Monday at 1:30 pm in the Study Hall. Representatives from each of the form groups in the school are invited to attend. At each meeting class representatives bring suggestions from their respective form classes and, in turn, report back about the changes being made and actions being taken.
Each year, the Student Council choose 3 charities to support – one local, one national and one international. Fundraising and awareness raising has become an integral part of the work done by the students. Last year, the student council set up a Charity Shop fundraiser where students and staff donated pre-loved items to be sold in aid of the local St Vincent de Paul conference, raising €170.70 and bringing focus to the benefits of sustainability. Student council raised awareness of the national work of Barnardos through a poster competition and fundraised €1,322 during the Christmas concert. We also organised a non uniform day to aid the victims of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. In the process we raised €1203.50 for international UNICEF.
Every year, we send representatives to the CEIST student leadership conference and to the Meath Comhairle na nOg AGM, thereby getting involved in choosing the work topic that Meath Comhairle and its new members work on for the next 2 years. We also liaise with the Irish Secondary Schools Union – the ISSU – on issues of local and national interest to our students. In their turn, the ISSU provide training for the new intake of student representatives. Among other activities last year, our members provided input on the redraft of Scoil Mhuire’s Code of Behaviour and the design of the new student journal.
We look forward to a busy and active school year!



Little Blue Heroes Fundraiser

Over the course of the 9th and 10th of May, the Student Council held a Bring and Buy sale to raise money for Little Blue Heroes. Students donated items in saleable condition that they no longer needed and other students then had the opportunity to purchase these items when on display in the school’s atrium. A raffle was also held with all of the prizes kindly being donated by local businesses including SuperValu Trim, Farrell’s Pharmacy and Ted Murtaghs. The fundraiser was a great success with a total of €650.30 being raised for Little Blue Heroes.


CEIST Student Leadership Conference 2024

On the 17th of April 2024, nine student council members represented the school at the 2024 CEIST Student Leadership Conference held in DCU. This event allowed the students and teachers to hear about and openly discuss the great work happening across CEIST schools around the country. We met students from across the country saw lots of examples of how schools can support the student voice and student leadership. The theme of this year’s conference was “Making a Difference – our CEIST Values in Action.”


Student Council visits Dáil Éireann

On Friday, April 12th our Student Council visited Dail Eireann and enjoyed a guided tour of both houses of the Oireachtais. It was a great day out for the students, who were treated to an informative and entertaining history of Leinster House, its previous occupants and current incumbents. On the day the students were accompanied by their liaison teachers Ms S Bannigan and Ms I Caffrey.


Student Council: Open Evening

On the 4th of October E Williams Byrne, J Pietruszka and A Doran represented the Student Council in our open evening. They showcased Student Council’s goals, commitments and achievements for those touring the school. They made a great effort to make everybody feel welcome.


Student Council: ISSU Training

On the 4th of October, our Student Council engaged in a session of online ISSU training. Levels of ISSU training ranges from level 1 to level 5, Chairperson training, Secretary training and more. For Student Council members who could not attend on the day, please find the training hub here: