Scoil Mhuire is an all-girls Catholic Secondary school with students from approximately 27 feeder schools. Enrolment has increased from 528 students in 2009-10 to the current student population of 822.
The Sisters of Mercy established the Secondary school in Trim in 1936. At that time, the school was attached to the Mercy
convent. The first school day was 14th September 1936 with an enrolment of fourteen boys and fifteen girls. The co-educational system only lasted one year. Mother Evangelist was the Principal from 1936 to 1949. The original teachers were Miss E Kelly and Miss M Burke. The school was quite small with three classrooms and a cookery room. The cost for one student was 2 guineas per term in 1949 rising to 10 guineas per year in 1966.
The Sisters of Mercy bought the current site in the late 1960s and built a new Secondary school that was officially opened in 1969.
On the official opening of the school in its current location, there was an enrolment of 240 students. This was an increase
from 86 students in 1962-63 and 156 students in 1966-67. 1967 saw the introduction of free education leading to the large
increase in enrolment. The Department of Education gave £15 capitation for each student. The total cost of building the school was £150,000.
There were eight teachers on the opening day in 1969. They were Miss Malone, Miss McLoughlin, Miss K Kelly, Sr Anthony
Murphy, Sr Brid Boland, Sr Mary Clavin, Sr Francis Looby. Sr Concepta was the Principal from 1949 – 1982. Sr Michael (Rosalie) Healy took over from 1982 – 1996. The first lay Principal was Jeremiah Kearney from 1996 until his retirement in 2007. The current Principal is Jacqueline Maher.
Scoil Mhuire is now under the trusteeship of CEIST. CEIST is the acronym for Catholic Education, an Irish Schools Trust. With declining numbers in religious congregations, the Mercy sisters joined with 4 other congregations to form a new trust body to oversee the running and management of their schools. CEIST are now the trustees of 107 Voluntary Catholic Secondary Schools in Ireland including Scoil Mhuire, Trim. As they go forward together each school will retain its own individuality and identity, while sharing the common values of Catholic education and of CEIST. The CEIST mission is to provide a holistic education in the Catholic tradition.
Over the years many extensions have been added to the original building of 1969.
1982: Addition of the “ New Wing” – Science Laboratory and Preparation Room, Demonstration Room, Art Room, Resource
Room, Double Classroom, Computer Room, Careers Office, Careers Library and General Classroom
1989: Addition of Study Hall/Lunch Room and 3 Classrooms
1995/6: Addition of 2 Prefabs
2012: Access to the “New Wing” was improved by the addition of a new lift and stairs
2014: Addition of Science Laboratory and Preparation Room, Home Economics Kitchen and two Music Rooms
2015: Addition of 2 Prefabs
2016: Addition of 3 Prefabs and upgrade to student entrance and staffroom.
2017: Addition of 1 Prefab
2018: Addition of 3 Prefabs, Toilet Block, Storage Area and Science Laboratory and preparation room
2021: Addition of 2 Prefabs
The Department of Education and Skills have purchased a new green field site of approximately 22 acres at Shanlothe, Trim for the provisional of a new Scoil Mhuire school campus. Planning is well under way for this new Trim Shared School Campus.
The initial Department of Education ICT grant in 2010/11 was used to provide Computers and Data Projectors in each classroom. Digital Strategies are constantly reviewed and updated in the school. The use of technology in Teaching and
Learning is encouraged, supported and promoted among teaching staff. High Speed 100mbit/sec Broadband was installed in the school in December 2013. There are two fully equipped Computer Rooms in the school.
The Department of Education ICT grants have been used to purchase a quantity of Surface Pro tablet devices to further
enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. All teachers have the use of a device and there are six student portable charging trolleys containing approximately 185 devices available for student use in the classroom.