Leaving Certificate students : Don’t forget to register on the Calculated Grades Student Portal. Open now until 10pm Thursday 28th May: https://lc2020.education.gov.ie/?fbclid=IwAR014yxQ8eOj9PeZiRrXz3zdYSpEHgfVhOXxVOxKDh04qPpi7meSAffS_Y4 Useful information & guidelines for Parents / Guardians of Leaving Certificate students: https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/6985d-calculated-grades-a-guide-for-parents-and-guardians-of-leaving-certificate-students-2020/?fbclid=IwAR1rdx8SxaslOAF9AY7lQX6CMsp18tlI1tJx6GF0nM_gnhCPGJUg-7PBb0Q
Read MoreToday would have marked the last school day of the Leaving Certificate class of 2020, when we would have held our Graduation Ceremony & Leaving Certificate Mass. It saddens us that we can’t celebrate these special occasions today as we had hoped and planned, but we look forward to the time when we can safely…
Read MoreThis year, our TY students were really looking forward to performing their musical ‘Natural Woman’ which is based around the life and work of Carole King. Unfortunately, the show had to be postponed due to the current pandemic. The girls have worked so hard in preparation for this musical and would like to share with…
Read MoreCongratulations to Leaving Cert students A. McGee and A. Swords who have both received “Physics Student of the Year” Awards for their excellence in the study of Physics. These awards have been presented by the Institute of Physics in Ireland. Well done girls!
Read MoreHere is a link to Webwise where parents / guardians can find information, support & free online resources to help ensure their daughter is making the most of online learning, including the latest online safety advice. Click on the word “Parents” below: Parents
Read MoreDuring these uncertain and uneasy times of remote learning while the school is closed, the staff made this short video to encourage our students to stay positive and stay safe. We hope you enjoy it!
Read MoreTo the Principal /Examination Secretary RE: COVID-19 – Clarification on payment of Examination Fees 2020 The SEC would be grateful if you would bring the following information to the attention of your examination candidates/parents/guardians: Leaving Certificate Fees: The closing date for payment of the Leaving Cert examination fee is being extended until after the exams are complete and…
Read MoreFor any student having difficulty accessing Office 365 Teams, here is a short step-by-step tutorial made by our school IT Department to help you out : For any student having difficulty sharing work with their teachers on Office 365 Teams, here is a short step-by-step tutorial made by our school IT Department to help you…
Read MoreWell done to the Leaving Cert member of Gluais who, working with Mr Kerr, and from the safety of our homes, recorded “Hero” by Mariah Carey to honour our brave Health Care workers who fight the terror of Coronavirus every day – the real heros of our time. “And then a hero comes alongWith the…
Read MoreFor any of our students at home who need help, advice, a listening ear or guidance, please don’t hesitate in contacting us. We are here to help in any way we can Please note: school management can also be contacted using email address scoilmhuiretrim.ias@eircom.net
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