Debating has a long tradition here in Scoil Mhuire. We believe participation in debating fosters critical thinking, confidence, excellence in public speaking, research skills, competitive spirit and empathy – because you have to understand both perspectives of a motion.
Typically for TY students but open to all years, students here in Scoil Mhuire engage in a number of different debating competitions throughout the year. Already this academic year, our students have participated in the ‘Concern Worldwide’, ‘Leinster Schools’ and ‘Cambridge Union’ debating competitions. Furthermore our English debating team organize, and manage, an 1st year debating competition here in school.
Students have researched and debated important and current issues that face our society today – motions such as: “the EU needs an army”, “Nuclear power is essential for a clean energy future” and “World hunger can be ended by 2023”.