The Parents’ Council represents the views of parents to the Board of Management, the Principal and the teaching Staff. Sub-committees of the Parents’ Council promote and support a variety of social, cultural, sporting and fundraising activities within the school.
Scoil Mhuire Parents’ Council holds an Annual General Meeting each October at which representatives for the various areas are elected. Officers are elected at the first meeting after the A.G.M. and hold office until the next A.G.M. The officers for the current year are:
Name | Position | |
Deirdre O Looney | Chairperson | |
Rita McNamara | Secretary | |
Mary Logue | Treasurer |
PDST Wellread National Award
The PDST Wellread National Award is a literacy initiative that is currently being rolled out in Scoil Mhuire over a 3 year period up to 2025. The Wellread Award process aims to promote the development of a reading culture within the school community. The award involves all stakeholders in the School Community – including students, teachers, parents, the board of management and the wider community – in reading and associated activities. A steering committee – made up of students, teachers, parents and representatives from Trim Library & Trim Family Resource Centre has been formed and has been meeting to review and plan actvities to promote reading within the school community. Last year, we organised a number of events – 2 Drop Everything & Read events where the whole school community spent 20 minutes reading for pleasure on both occasions, a “My Shelfie” competition where students had to guess which staff member’s bookshelf was pictured and a 1st Year Readathon during the month of May. These events are now established in the school calendar. We hope to build on the initiative with more events and varied activities that will further develop the reading culture in Scoil Mhuire. For further information on the PDST Wellread National Award, please see the attached link PDST Wellread National Award | PDST.
One of the ideas that the Parents Council would like to promote is a Parent/Student Book Review – a Parent and a student read the same book and they both provide their review of the book. One of our parents, Kim Prendergast and her daughter, Catherine, have provided a review to get us started – see attached. If this is something you would be interested in participating in, please contact either of the Parents Council representatives on the Well Read Committee: Kim Prendergast at or Rita McNamara at The Parents Council would also welcome any other suggestions/ideas on activities that would further promote a reading culture in the School.

Christmas Fundraising Raffle
The Christmas Fundraising Raffle was a great success. Many thanks to all who contributed either through the donation of gifts and purchasing of tickets. Thanks also to all those who helped out in the organisation of the raffle. Funds raised will go towards the following: purchase of new tablets; engraved pendants as graduation gift for 6th year students and contribution to funding of buses to transport students to sporting and cultural events