Each year 5th year students are selected to assist the science teachers in the practical set up of experiments during lunchtime. The girls get hands on experience working behind the scenes in the lab and gain confidence in the set-up of experiments. This scheme commenced in September 2005 as a pilot project and since then it has developed to become a very privileged post to hold in Scoil Mhuire. Applications for laboratory technicians are accepted from 5th Year students from September.
The duties of the laboratory technicians include:
- Preparation of chemicals and equipment for practical classes
- Assisting junior classes completing of their practical studies
- Demonstration of experiments
- Organisation of chemicals and equipment
- Clean-up and return of chemicals and practical materials
- Updating of science notice boards
- Organisation of events during Science Week
- Co-ordination of events on Open Evening in Science Labs
Congratulations to the selected Lab Technicians for this year. The science department are looking forward to working with you all.